Thursday, December 24, 2015

My first post: - Introduction

conceptual structure of my focus areas
conceptual structure of my focus areas
As for my first post, let me start with some quick explanation on what’s Computer Forensic, e-Discovery and Data Analytics is according to my own understanding and interpretation.
I am a Chinese who born in British Hong Kong. My mother-tongue is Cantonese where English is one of my second languages.  However, be honest, I am an idiot in Chinese character typing so that this blog is going to be conducted in English and I think people interested in my focuses do have a common language in English. 
Please kindly forgive me if you found any silly grammatical mistake here and please just feel free to clarify with me if any of my words are misunderstanding or misleading.  All the things in this blog are purely based on my own experience so please allow me to place my very first caveat here that the information provided in this blog may not happened the same in your scenarios where I do believe that there are always much more to explore and to learn in the reality.
Computer Forensic: - general speaking, it’s about investigating and presenting on what the users did on any of his digital devices including, but not limited to, desktop, laptop, external hard disk, USB thumb drive, smart phone, etc.  Computer Forensic experts are acting as a storyteller who present the fact.  We are not magician or superman with superpower, so that all our analysis or works are always technically limited by the available technology sciences.  The most common tasks are data preservation, data recovery, system log analysis, etc.  In additional to dealing with the technical supports, unlikely ordinary IT people, computer forensic experts also required to have certain legal knowledge and presentation skill to act as the storyteller in the Court or towards the clients.
e-Discovery: - It’s a legal terms from US originally.  It’s about discovery in litigation or regulatory requested investigations on the electronic stored information (ESI).  Over 70% of works are relied on the software which allows us to do indexing, keyword search, and some other analytics on the backend; then allows the investigators, such as forensic accountant, lawyer, law enforcement officer, etc. to review the information with an auditable and forensic sounded process from the frontend.  The rest 30% are relied on the analysts’ experience while there are always sometimes tricky step which enable the data access towards the actual data content, such as encrypted data, email archive, OCR, etc. and to make the review process more effective and efficient. 

Data Analytics: - As from the words itself, this is to analyze the data according to the business needs.  It’s not only about investigation but could also in any forensic or non-forensic needs.  It could be for business review, management consulting, academic research, personal interest, etc. which is a very hot topic today namely “Big Data”.  Data Analytics has generally no limit on work scope range from purely data entry and consolidation, system and data integration, business restructuring, user interface design, to management decision making, etc. This almost 90% relies on the data experts’ experience and innovations to identify the right most solutions task by task.

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